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Living Light Collective

Become a Best Selling Author

the Passion to Paperback way

Through experience Living Light Collective knows;
1. It takes more then content to sell a book
2. Great Authors need support
3. Connecting you to your readers is a skill - not a fluke
With Living Light Collective (LLC) we have pathways for you to reach your goal of becoming a best selling author. We understand that every person who choses to write, does so for a purpose, But not all authors share the same purpose.

Want to join our latest Book Project ?

If you are passionate about parenting, have a story to share to other parents, or you support parents and children in your role or business, then this collaboration could be what you are looking for.

Every co-author of this book will have a story that is set apart from any other author, and one that parents need to hear. Raise your voice to new heights, stamp your authenticity, your value on this.

Here is your opportunity to be known, shine in your field, grab audience attention and more.

Interested? Click the image and get intouch today.

Please note: There is a limit on the number of potential authors that will be able to join us in this collaboration - authors will be entered on merit and first in line. 


Choose to write your book with us. You will be supported, save yourself expensive mistakes, and partner with someone who is committed to guide you to realisation of your success.

Choose which pathway you would like to take with us and we will provide you with further information and a quote.

We offer these two distinct pathways.

#1. Book Collaboration

#2. Write my Own Book

Join in on a LLC Best Seller book collaboration - LLC creates Best Selling Books, that serve to enlighten readers on a subject, connect 

readers to you, your product or your service and get you the title of Published Author. They are a great way to start out, learn how to write, how to present and m arket to a reader and yourself. A fabulous opportunity. We are approached by people all the time who want to become and author and write about their experience, story or share knowledge - you can do this too.. Connect here

I want to Author my own creation but I need help.. whatever the point you are at, we are here to help. Writing, formatting, layout, design, marketing, management,  launching, Author website, presentation and tonality review. You name your needs and lets get this done together.. Connect

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